Before 2009
Giovanna Maria di Ghiberti
John of Fordington
Imran Yosuf le Scorpion
Eowyn merch Glyndwr apRhys ap Tewdwr 86
Volodomir of Cambion
Ruiseart Niall Stilbhard
James of Rutland
Helena Aureliana
Gwaeddon of the Vale of Llangollen 8/91
Niall MacFarlane & Julitta des Chevaux 4/92
John of Fordington
Bryce de Byram 2/94
James of Rutland 3/95-9/95
Bryce de Byram 1/96
Efenwealt Wystle 3/96
Eogan Og MacLaren 2/97
Ysolt la Bretonne 2/98
Ruaidhri an Cu 2/99
2000 – 2009
Eleanor Percy 2/00
Ruaidhri an Cu 2/01
Deirdre O’Bardon 3/02
Ruaidhri an Cu 3/03
Eleanor Percy 4/04
Justus fils de Ternon 2/05
Dunstan LeHeryngmongere 4/06
Ambra Michelli & Fennic du Blayz 3/07
Gracia Esperanca de Sevilla & Elishabeth de Avignon 3/08
Adrianna du Chesne & Talitha of Avalon 3/09
2010 –
Justus de Tyre & Rosanella Vespucci 6/2010
Dervila ni Leanon 3/2011
Giovan Donado 1/2012
Adriana du Chesne 1/2013
Scholastica Joycors 1/2014
Johan von Solothurn 1/2015
Ruaidhri An Cu & Gideon Ap Stephan 1/2016
Harper An Cu 1/2017
Richard Wynn 1/2018
Faye de Trees & Ollam Linea inghean Uà Chiaragáin 1/2019
Gideon Ap Stephan 1/2020
Hakon Brimill & Nezhka Orshinaia 1/2021
Simon de Spaldyng and Elizabeth de Spaldyng 1/2022
Thorve Skald Rikardottir & Diana of Virconium 1/2023
Signy Jarnadottir & Song Qingzao Zhufu 1/2024
Anauved de Mona 1/2025