
Vuong Manh
Malkin Grey 1/82
Dagmar Gandalfsdottir 1/84
Moriah of Lands End 2/85
Ilarion Ivanovich Drakonov 8/89
Elspeth Devereux Grenville
Terafon Greydragon 8/91
Ardeth of Thuringerwald 2/92
Mordeyrn Rhiannon 7/92
Anne Elizabeth of Castle Leviathan 6/94
Rabah az-Zafar 5/96
Gwendolen ferch Cadwaladr ap Rhys 5/99

Cassandra the Forlorn 10/02
Otto von Schwyz 2/06
Gwerfyl verch Aneirin 1/08
Vladimir Krisa Tirgovishtets 12/09

Cecilia Blythe 8/10
Ysabella Cacemoine 9/12
Mordeyrn Tremayne 11/13
Adina von der Heide 2017
Caitrina inghean Fhearghuis 5/21

Dates are when the name first appeared in the Acorn, actual dates would be usually at least one to two months beforehand due to publishing delays.  Terms in office ran until successor date unless ending date given.

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