Before 2000
Ishmael ibn Murad
Raim y Hynndyll
Ishmael ibn Murad al-ben Muhammed naal Hakim 3/81
Bran ap howell 5/81
Strykar Geirharaldson 10/81
Tnek the Anissestor
Olaf Askoldsson 12/84
Malcoln MacRobert 7/85
Richard Corwin aka Richard Marshal 3/86
Wulfbrand Lurkr 3/88
Richard Marshal aka Richard Fitzgilbert 6/89
Thorbrandr Olafsson 1/91
Anton Tremayne 10/92
Michael of Bedford 2/94
William the Stout 5/95
Richard Fitzgilbert 4/97
Galmr Ingolfsson 11/98
Edwyn Beerslayer 10/00
Rodrigo Falcone 5/02
Alan Gravesend 4/03
Timoch Haakonson 4/05
Roland de Mounteney 4/07
Kynnyth Pyke 4/09
Otto von Schwartzkatz 10/10
Vladimir Ivanovich Aleksandrov 2018
Joscelin d’Outremer 2/20
Gordon KInloch 3/23
Dates are when the name first appeared in the Acorn, actual dates would be usually at least one to two months beforehand due to publishing delays. Terms in office ran until successor date unless ending date given.